Use Python 3 Regex To Match A String In Double Quotes
I want to match a string contained in a pair of either single or double quotes. I wrote a regex pattern as so: pattern = r'([\'\'])[^\1]*\1' mytext = ''bbb'ccc'ddd' re.match(patter
Solution 1:
In your regex
Character class is meant for matching only one character. So your use of [^\1]
is incorrect. Think, what would have have happened if there were more than one characters in the first capturing group.
You can use negative lookahead like this
or simply with alternation
if you want to make sure "b\"ccc"
does not matches in string bb\"b\"ccc"
Solution 2:
You should use a negative lookahead assertion. And I assume there won't be any escaped quotes in your input string.
>>> pattern = r"([\"'])(?:(?!\1).)*\1"
>>> mytext = '"bbb"ccc"ddd'
>>>, mytext).group()
Solution 3:
You can use:
pattern = r"[\"'][^\"']*[\"']"
will match everything that isn't "
or '
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