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How To Replace Kivy Widgets On Callback?

I'm new to Python and Kivy, and I'm trying to create multipage display of letters of the braille alphabet, with the corresponding braille's letter picture present in every page. I

Solution 1:

Here is a simple solution to your problem. I'll leave it to you to modify and make it look and work exactly how you want :)

Learning the kv language is INCREDIBLY helpful, easy, and it can be picked up quite quickly.

from import App

class MainApp(App):
    alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

    def next_letter(self):
        # Get a reference to the widget that shows the letters
        # self.root refers to the root widget of the kv file -- in this case,
        # the GridLayout
        current_letter_widget = self.root.ids['the_letter_label']
        # Get the letter currently shown
        current_letter = current_letter_widget.text
        # Find the next letter in the alphabet
        next_letter_index = self.alphabet.find(current_letter) + 1
        next_letter = self.alphabet[next_letter_index]

        # Set the new letter in the widget that shows the letters
        current_letter_widget.text = next_letter



GridLayout: # This is the `root` widget of the main app class
    cols: 1
        text: "g"
        id: the_letter_label # Setting an id for a widget lets you refer to it later
        text: "Previous"
        text: "Next"
            # the keyword `app` references the main app class, so we can call
            # the `next_letter` function

I'm happy to address specific questions if you have them.

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