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How To Fix A Pyinstaller 'no Module Named...' Error When My Script Imports The Modules Pikepdf And Pdfminer3?

I've built a working py script using PikePDF and PDFminer3 that will take a PDF off my desktop and create a txt file out of the words available. The purpose of this is to help my

Solution 1:

I found a solution to this error:

No module named 'pikepdf._cpphelpers'

Simply add:

from pikepdf import _cpphelpers

To the top of your script

Solution 2:

I think you need to try pikepdf for your python version.

Please refer below link for install module pikepdf

Solution 3:

I have this problem a lot, I think pyinstaller misses certain modules.

What you need to do is find the location of the missing module, in your case ikePDF and PDFminer3

Go to your python directory, it should be somewhere like this: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Lib\site-packages

Copy the folder of your missing packages and paste into the dist folder of your exe application folder

Solution 4:

I had this problem as well. In my case the solution was kind of easy. First step was to add on top of my file this code line from pikepdf import _tcp helpers and the second step was to add into commandline a paramater --hidden-import=['pikepdf._cpphelpers'] and then everything start working ;)

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