How To Do A Reverse Moving Average ( In Pandas, Rolling().mean ) Operation On Predicted Values?
Solution 1:
This is very related with this question cumsum with shift of n I asked.
With this function cumsum_shif(n)
(the question provides an implementation using for loops called cumsum_shift) you can reverse the moving average up to constant that depends on the initial values without the need of inverting a matrix that has to have as many columns as the the size of the original serie.
Let's call the moving average y_roll = df.loc[,"y_roll"]
and y_estimated
the reverse up to a constant. Assuming the size of the windows is 10 win_size = 10
then if you multiply by 10 the diff
'ed of the rolling mean and then cumumsum(shift=10)
it you obtain the original serie up to the intial values.
The code:
def cumsum_shift(s, shift = 1, init_values = [0]):
s_cumsum = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(s)))
for i in range(shift):
s_cumsum.iloc[i] = init_values[i]
for i in range(shift,len(s)):
s_cumsum.iloc[i] = s_cumsum.iloc[i-shift] + s.iloc[i]
return s_cumsum
win_size = 10
s_diffed = win_size * df['y_roll'].diff()
df['y_unrolled'] = cumsum_shift(s=s_diffed, shift = win_size, init_values= df['y'].values[:win_size])
This code recovers exactly y
from y_roll
because you have the initial values.
You can see it plotting it (in my case with plotly) that y
and y_unrolled
are exactly the same (just the red one).
Now doing the same thing to y_roll_predicted
to obtain y_predicted_unrolled
win_size = 10
s_diffed = win_size * df['y_roll_predicted'].diff()
df['y_predicted_unrolled'] = cumsum_shift(s=s_diffed, shift = win_size, init_values= df['y'].values[:win_size])
In this case the result are not exactly the same, notice how the initial values are from y
and then y_roll_predicted
incorporate noise to y_roll
so the "unrolling" cannot recover exactly the original one.
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