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Create Pandas Dataframe From List Of Generators

I have to following question. Is there a way to build a DataFrame from a list of python Generator objects. I used list comprehension to create the list with data for the dataframe:

Solution 1:

Just turn your data_list into a generator expression as well. For example:

from collections import namedtuple

MyData = namedtuple("MyData", ["a"])
data = (d.a for d in (MyData(i) for i in range(100)))
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

will work just fine. So what you should do is have:

data = ((record.Timestamp,record.Value, record.Name, record.desc) for record in records)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["Timestamp", "Value", "Name", "Desc"])

The actual reason why your approach does not work is because you have a single entry in your data_list which is a generator over - I suppose - 142538 records. Pandas will try to cram that single entry in your data_list into a single row (so all the 142538 entries, each a list of four elements) and fails, since it expects rather 4 columns to be passed.

Edit: you can of course make the generator expression more complex, here's an example along the lines of your additional loop over events:

from collections import namedtuple
MyData = namedtuple("MyData", ["a", "b"])
data = ((d.a, d.b) for j in range(100) for d in (MyData(j, j+i) for i in range(100)))
pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["a", "b"])

edit: here's also an example using data structures like you are using:

Record = namedtuple("Record", ["Timestamp", "Value", "Name", "desc"])

event_list = [[Record(Timestamp=1, Value=1, Name=1, desc=1),
               Record(Timestamp=2, Value=2, Name=2, desc=2)],
              [Record(Timestamp=3, Value=3, Name=3, desc=3)]]

data = ((r.Timestamp, r.Value, r.Name, r.desc) for events in event_list for r in events)
pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["timestamp", "value", "name", "desc"])


    timestamp   value   name    desc
0   1   1   1   1
1   2   2   2   2
2   3   3   3   3

Solution 2:

pd.concat(some_generator_yielding_dfs) will work (this is actually one of the tricks to alleviate the load of big tables). E.g. one may do like this:

pd.concat((pd.read_csv(x) for x in files))

Solution 3:


  • Make a dict with the columns you need as shown below.
  • Feed the dict to pandas.Dataframe

Note: The use of list(generator) produces all the data as a list.

import pandas as pd
import ast

# Method-1: create a dict by direct declaration
d = {
    'timestamp': list(record.Timestamp),
    'value': list(record.Value),
    'name': list(record.Name), 
    'desc': list(record.desc), 

# Method-2: create a dict using dict-comprehension
keys = ['Timestamp', 'Value', 'Name', 'desc']
d = dict((str(key).lower(), ast.literal_eval(f'list(record.{key})')) for key in keys)

# Finally create the dataframe using the dictionary
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(d).T

See Also:

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