Error Using Requests In A Frozen App
I am trying to use the excelent requests library in a frozen app. The code works fine when interpreted, but it stops working when I generate the dist executable. I tried this solut
Solution 1:
or you can use
import requests.certs
build_exe_options = {"include_files":[(requests.certs.where(),'cacert.pem')]}
Solution 2:
I got this following this issue on github( Thank you Martjin Pieters for this tip.
First of all, I put the cacert.pem file in my project's folder and then I included this in the frozen app:
include_files =["icon-16px.ico",
scripts = [
gui_only = False,
icon = "icon-16px.ico",
data_files = include_files,
"includes": includes,
"include_files": include_files,
"excludes": excludes,
"optimize": 2,
'includes': includes,
'excludes': excludes,
executables = [Executable(script="",base="Win32GUI")],
And for the last you must indicate this certificate in each POST or GET using requests
, like this:
r =, data=data, verify = os.path.join(appdata,'cacert.pem'))
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