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Pip Install: Can't Open File Pip, Or Parent Module '' Not Loaded

Thanks for reading this in the first place. I'm trying to install Django. So here's what I do in the command line: C:\>python34 pip install Django And here's what I get: C:\Pyt

Solution 1:

Assuming you have pip installed and you want to do this through python as opposed to the standalone pip client, you can also do

python -m pip install SomePackage

Solution 2:

The command pip is not a Python module. It is an executable. This should work:

C:\> pip install Django

Solution 3:

IIRC, pip on Windows installs to C:\Python34\Scripts by default. So, if that's isn't on your system path, you'd actually need to do this:

C:\> \Python34\Scripts\pip install Django

Also, read up in virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper. It'll make your life a lot easier - cheers.

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