Pset2 Python
I am completely new to Python, and I have lots of problems working out indentation, anyway I need someone to help me understand why my code not working...( The if condition is not
Solution 1:
You should be deducting ans
not monthlyPayment
, setting monthlyPayment = ans
outside the loop does not mean monthlyPayment
will be updated when you set ans = (Low + High) / 2.0
inside the while loop each time, you are creating a new object each time:
while abs(newbalance) > 0.001: # check if we are withing +- .001 of clearing balance
newbalance = balance
month = 0
for month in range(12): # loop over 12 month range
print('low = ' + str(Low) + ' high = ' + str(High) + ' ans = ' + str(ans))
newbalance -= ans # deduct ans not the the original value set outside the while
interest = monthlyInterestRate * newbalance
newbalance += interest
print month
if newbalance > 0:
Low = ans
High = ans
ans = (Low + High) / 2.0
print "Lowest Payment: {:.2f}".format(ans) # format to two decimal places
Also it is better to use for month in range(12)
, we know we only want to have 12 iterations so much simpler to use range.
Even if you were doing a ans += 2
your monthlyPayment
would not be updated as ints are immutable so monthlyPayment
would still only point to the original value of ans
In [1]: ans = 10
In [2]: monthlyPayment = ans
In [3]: id(ans)
Out[3]: 9912448
In [4]: id(monthlyPayment) # still the same objects
Out[4]: 9912448
In [5]: ans += 10 # creates new object
In [6]: ans
Out[6]: 20
In [7]: monthlyPayment # still has original value
Out[7]: 10
In [8]: id(monthlyPayment) # same id as original ans
Out[8]: 9912448
In [9]: id(ans) # new id because it is a new object
Out[9]: 9912208
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