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Python: Building An LRU Cache

I have around 6,00,000 entries in MongoDB in the following format: feature:category:count where feature could be any word, category is positive or negative, and count tells

Solution 1:

The LRU cache in Python3.3 has O(1) insertion, deletion, and search.

The design uses a circular doubly-linked list of entries (arranged oldest-to-newest) and a hash table to locate individual links. Cache hits use the hash table to find the relevant link and move it to the head of the list. Cache misses delete the oldest link and create a new link at the head of the linked list.

Here's a simplified (but fast) version in 33 lines of very basic Python (using only simple dictionary and list operations). It runs on Python2.0 and later (or PyPy or Jython or Python3.x):

class LRU_Cache:

    def __init__(self, original_function, maxsize=1024):
        # Link structure: [PREV, NEXT, KEY, VALUE]
        self.root = [None, None, None, None]
        self.root[0] = self.root[1] = self.root
        self.original_function = original_function
        self.maxsize = maxsize
        self.mapping = {}

    def __call__(self, *key):
        mapping = self.mapping
        root = self.root
        link = mapping.get(key)
        if link is not None:
            link_prev, link_next, link_key, value = link
            link_prev[1] = link_next
            link_next[0] = link_prev
            last = root[0]
            last[1] = root[0] = link
            link[0] = last
            link[1] = root
            return value
        value = self.original_function(*key)
        if len(mapping) >= self.maxsize:
            oldest = root[1]
            next_oldest = oldest[1]
            root[1] = next_oldest
            next_oldest[0] = root
            del mapping[oldest[2]]
        last = root[0]
        last[1] = root[0] = mapping[key] = [last, root, key, value]
        return value

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = LRU_Cache(ord, maxsize=3)
    for c in 'abcdecaeaa':
        print(c, p(c))

Starting in Python 3.1, OrderedDict makes it even simpler to implement a LRU cache:

from collections import OrderedDict

class LRU_Cache:

    def __init__(self, original_function, maxsize=1024):
        self.original_function = original_function
        self.maxsize = maxsize
        self.mapping = OrderedDict()

    def __call__(self, *key):
        mapping = self.mapping
            value = mapping[key]
        except KeyError:
            value = self.original_function(*key)
            if len(mapping) >= self.maxsize:
            mapping[key] = value
        return value

Solution 2:

Besides the version included in Python 3.2, there are LRU cache recipes in the Python Cookbook including these by Python core developer Raymond Hettinger.

Solution 3:

There are also backports of the python 3.3 version of lru_cache such as this which runs on python 2.7. If you are interested in two layers of caching (if not cached in the instance it will check a shared cache) I have created lru2cache based on the backport of lru_cache.

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