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Python : How To Call A Global Function From A Imported Module

Would it be possible to call a global function from imported function in Python 3? ./folders/folder1/ def do_test(): print('++ def.do_test()') global_function_1() print

Solution 1:

I was able to getmain.pyto work with the following set-up.

(Note I had to add an empty__init__.pyfiles to both thefoldersandfolder1subdirectories to get the imports to work.)

File .\class2\folders\folder1\

from main import global_function_1

def do_test():
    print("++ def.do_test()")
    print("-- def.do_test()")

File .\class2\

import importlib

def global_function_1():
    print("doing function 1 thing...")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    mod = importlib.import_module('folders.folder1.def')


++ def.do_test()
doing function 1 thing...
-- def.do_test()

Solution 2:

What you created is called a module. It can't be used if it's not imported to the file it's used in. In your case, needs to import main.

Importing can be done like this:

from moduleFilename import moduleFunctionname

you can then do



import moduleFilename

EDIT: Seems like Rawing was faster with his comment...

Solution 3:

If you want to keep folders.folder1.def independent of back-importing stuff, as it seems like something as a library or plugin or such, you can resort to getting it as a callback:


def do_test(callback):
  print("++ def.do_test()")
  print("-- def.do_test()")

main module:

import importlib

def global_function_1():
  print("doing function 1 thing...")

mod = importlib.import_module('folders.folder1.def')

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