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How To Split A Tensorflow Dataset Into Train, Test And Validation In A Python Script?

On a jupyter notebook with Tensorflow-2.0.0, a train-validation-test split of 80-10-10 was performed in this way: import tensorflow_datasets as tfds from os import getcwd splits =

Solution 1:

tfds.Split.ALL.subsplit or tfds.Split.TRAIN.subsplit apparently are deprecated and no longer supported.

Some of the datasets are already split between train and test. In this case I found the following solution (using for example the fashion MNIST dataset):

splits, info = tfds.load('fashion_mnist', with_info=True, as_supervised=True,
split=['train+test[:80]','train+test[80:90]', 'train+test[90:]'],
(train_examples, validation_examples, test_examples) = splits


The previous code had some errors. First of all, this official link says:

Full dataset ('all'): 'all' is a special split name corresponding to the union of all splits (equivalent to 'train+test+...')

but when I tried it did not work. all would be helpful but there is an alternative. The error in the previous code is that the % must be used and that it must be specified for each set. I modified the code in this way:

import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
splits, info = tfds.load('fashion_mnist', with_info=True, as_supervised=True,
split=['train[:80%]+test[:80%]','train[80%:90%]+test[80%:90%]', 'train[90%:]+test[90%:]'],
#(train_examples, validation_examples, test_examples) = splitsfor el in splits:

which prints:

tf.Tensor(56000, shape=(), dtype=int64)
tf.Tensor(7000, shape=(), dtype=int64)
tf.Tensor(7000, shape=(), dtype=int64)

Solution 2:

In the case of rock_paper_scissor dataset on tfds it works for me:

splits = ['train+test[:80]', 'train+test[80:90]', 'train+test[90:]']

splits, info = tfds.load( 'rock_paper_scissors', split=splits, as_supervised=True, with_info=True)

(train_examples, validation_examples, test_examples) = splitsnum_examples= info.splits['train'].num_examplesnum_classes= info.features['label'].num_classes

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