Handling Map Function In Python2 & Python3
Solution 1:
the behavior of map
is not the only difference between python2 and python3, input
is also difference, you need to keep in mind the basic differences between the two to make code compatible for both
python 3 vs python 2map = itertools.imap
zip = itertools.izip
filter = itertools.ifilter
range = xrange
input = raw_input
so to make code for both, you can use alternatives like list comprehension that work the same for both, and for those that don't have easy alternatives, you can make new functions and/or use conditional renames, like for example
my_input = inputtry:
except NameError: #we are in python 3
my_input = lambda msj=None: eval(input(msj))
(or with your favorite way to check which version of python is in execution)
# code part inresult reader
result= [ int(x) for x in my_input() ]
# consumer call
that way your code do the same regardless of which version of python you run it.
But as jsbueno mentioned, eval
and python2's input
are dangerous so use the more secure raw_input
or python3's input
input = raw_input
except NameError: #we are in python 3pass
(or with your favorite way to check which version of python is in execution)
then if your plan is to provide your input as 1,2,3
add an appropriate split
# code part in result reader
result = [ int(x) forx in input().split(",") ]
# consumer call
Solution 2:
If you always need the exception to occur at the same place you can always force the map object to yield its results by wrapping it in a list
result = list(map(int, input()))
If an error occurs in Python 2 it will be during the call to map
while, in Python 3, the error is going to surface during the list
The slight downside is that in the case of Python 2 you'll create a new list. To avoid this you could alternatively branch based on sys.version
and use the list
only in Python 3 but that might be too tedious for you.
Solution 3:
I usually use my own version of map in this situations to escape any possible problem may occur and it's
def my_map(func,some_list):
done = []
for item in some_list:
done.append( func(item) )
return done
and my own version of input too
import sys
ver = sys.version[0]
if ver=="3":
return raw_input(text)
if you are working on a big project add them to a python file and import them any time you need like what I do.
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