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Kubernetes Python Api Client: Execute Full Yaml File

Kubernetes has a very nice official Python API client. The API client assumes that you will be creating individual resources (such as pods, or services) and assumes that you will b

Solution 1:

You can try using create_from_yaml provided by kubernetes.utils in the following way. This is the multi-resource-definition file


Now you can try running the below code and check whether that works out for you or not.

from kubernetes import client, config, utils
k8s_client = client.ApiClient()
yaml_file = '<location to your multi-resource file>'
utils.create_from_yaml(k8s_client, yaml_file)

Solution 2:

There appears to be examples of this in the examples directory. In particular which does:

from os import path

import yaml

from kubernetes import client, config

    # Configs can be set in Configuration class directly or using helper# utility. If no argument provided, the config will be loaded from# default location.

    withopen(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "nginx-deployment.yaml")) as f:
        dep = yaml.safe_load(f)
        k8s_beta = client.ExtensionsV1beta1Api()
        resp = k8s_beta.create_namespaced_deployment(
            body=dep, namespace="default")
        print("Deployment created. status='%s'" % str(resp.status))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Solution 3:

In addition to what others have recommended, you can do this with Hikaru'sload_full_yaml.

What's nice about Hikaru is that:

  1. It's object oriented and Pythonic with functions like Pod.create().
  2. It's autogenerated from the OpenAPI spec so nothing is missing

I evaluated at least five different Kubernetes libraries when building my own open source Python Kubernetes platform and Hikaru was by far the easiest to use.

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