Python 3.3: Output Of Anagram Function
Solution 1:
The way I understand your program, you want to continuously prompt the user for words until he presses Ctrl-D (which results in an EOF error and breaks the loop)? In that case, you should read the file only once, before the beginning of the loop, and construct a list or set of the words in it. Also, your try/except statement should only contain the call to input
as this is the only place where this exception can occur in your function.
Now on to your main question - to count the number of results and print different statements accordingly, just use a list comprehension to get a list of all anagrams of the input. Then you can count the anagrams and join them together to form an output string.
withopen("dictionary.txt", "r") as fileInput:
words = set(word.strip() for word in fileInput)
user_input = input("Word? ").strip()
break#you probably don't care for the type of exception here
anagrams = [word for word in words if anagram(word, user_input)]
iflen(anagrams) == 0:
print("there are no anagrams")
eliflen(anagrams) == 1:
print("the only anagram is %s" % anagrams[0])
print("there are %s anagrams: %s" % (len(anagrams), ', '.join(anagrams)))
The only thing missing from this code is cheking that the input word is not a part of the result list, but this can be moved to the anagram
function. The function can also be simplified using the Counter class from the built-in collections module. This class is a dictionary-like object that can be constructed from an iterable and maps each object in the iterable to the number of its occurrences:
>>> Counter("hello") == {"h":1, "e":1, "l":2, "o": 1}
So we can rewrite the anagram function like this:
from collections import Counter
def anagram(word, check):
returnnotword== check and Counter(word) == Counter(check)
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