How To Exclude Directory In Os.walk()?
I want to search my computer drives D to Z for all vhdx files, and calculate the total amount of them. But I want to exclude directories. How to change my code? extf = ['$RECYCLE.B
Solution 1:
this is how i usually exclude directories when iterating over os.walk
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(drv):
dirs[:] = [d for d indirsif d not in extf]
the point here is to use a slice-assignment (dirs[:] = ...
) in order to change dirs
in-place (reassigning dirs
to the newly created list).
if you want to have a slight speedup, i suggest to turn extf
into a set
extf = set(('$RECYCLE.BIN','System Volume Information'))
Solution 2:
An example for you:
from pathlib import Path
i = 0
az = lambda: (chr(i)+":\\"for i inrange(ord("D"), ord("Z") + 1))
for d in az():
p = Path(d)
ifnot p.exists():
i += len(list(p.rglob('*.vhdx')))
print("total vhdx files:", i)
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