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Line Breaking In Chameleon

I have used the pyramid framework to build a large web application. Among other things, this application allows the user to enter text into a text area form field. This text is th

Solution 1:

You need to break the text into separate lines, then render this using a loop and <br/> tags:

<span tal:omit-tag="" 
      tal:repeat="line text_with_newlines.splitlines()">
  ${line}<br />

This uses the str.splitlines() method to split the text on newlines, then the loop adds a <br /> break tag after each line of the text.

You are quite right not doing this in the view, then forcing Chameleon to accept your inserted <br /> tags by setting the structure: flag. Luckily there is absolutely no need for that anyway.

Solution 2:

Another possibility is to do something like the following:

import webhelpers.html.tags as t
s = t.literal(t.BR).join(s.split(t.NL))

You can of course create a helper function from it.

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