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Python Typeerror While Using Xml.etree.elementree And Requests

This works for me: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from urllib2 import urlopen url = '' # this url points to a `xml` page tree = ET.parse(urlopen(url)) Ho

Solution 1:

You are passing the requestsrespones object to ElementTree; you want to pass in the raw file object instead:

r = requests.get(url, stream=True)

.raw returns the 'file-like' socket object, from which ElementTree.parse() will read, just like it'll read from the urllib2 response (which is itself a file-like object).

Concrete example:

>>>r = requests.get('', stream=True)>>>tree = ET.parse(r.raw)>>>tree
<xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree object at 0x109dadc50>

If you have a compressed URL, the raw socket (like urllib2) returns the compressed data undecoded; in that case you can use the ET.fromstring() method on the binary response content:

r = requests.get(url)

Solution 2:

You're not feeding ElementTree the response text, but the requestsResponse object itself, which is why you get the type error: need string or buffer, Response found. Do this instead:

r = requests.get(url)
tree = ET.fromstring(r.text)

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