Parsing Xml By Python Lxml Tree.xpath
I try to parse a huge file. The sample is below. I try to take , but I can't It works only without this string
to match the Name
element with a shorter XPath expression (ignoring the namespace altogether).
The alternative is to use a prefix-to-namespace mapping and use those on your tags:
nsmap = {'acd': ''}
Solution 2:
's xpath
method has a namespaces
parameter. You can pass it a dict mapping namespace prefixes to namespaces. Then you can refer build XPath
s that use the namespace prefix:
xml2 = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LevelLayout levelGuid="4a54f032-325e-4988-8621-2cb7b49d8432">
<LevelLayout xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
<Name>Tracking ID</Name>
namespaces={'ns': '',
'i': ''}
import lxml.etree as ET
# This is an lxml.etree._Element, not a tree, so don't call it tree
root = ET.XML(xml2)
nodes = root.xpath(
/ns:LevelLayout/ns:LevelLayoutSectionBase/ns:LevelLayoutItemBase/ns:Name''', namespaces = namespaces)
print nodes
[<Element {}Name at 0xb74974dc>]
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