Selecting A Random Number Within A Series(python)
I'm trying to create a program that picks a random number out of a series of 2 numbers, does anyone know how this is done? I looked it up and said to use the choice function, howev
Solution 1:
As the documentation states, just write choice((1, 5, 9, 27))
If you write choice(1, 5, 9, 27)
, that is passing four arguments to the function.
If you write choice((1, 5, 9, 27))
, that is passing a single argument, a tuple of four elements, (1, 5, 9, 27)
, to the function.
Solution 2:
The error message is a bit misleading. random.choice(seq)
takes a sequence. You can pass it an object like a list of values, or a tuple - anything that supports indexing.
If you want to pass it two values, a and b, you'll have to wrap them in something indexable. Try choice([a,b])
or choice((a,b))
. This first creates a list or tuple with two items and then passes that to the choice function.
A more explicit notation for the same thing is:
seq = (a,b)
variable = choice(seq)
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