Create Matrix Using Python
I have 6 text files (each corresponds to a specific sample) and each file looks like this: Gene_ID Gene_Name Strand Start End Length Coverage FPKM TPM ENSMUSG0000010273
Solution 1:
One way to do this is keep one dictionary that stores sample values for each gene_id.
Initialize dictionary = {}
Iterate through each of the 6 files and do:
for file in [f1,f2,f3..f6]:
for line in file:
labels = line.split(" ")
val = 1if labels[8] else0if labels[0] not in dictionary:
dictionary[labels[0]] = {'name' : labels[1], 'sample' : [val]}
This will store keys as gene_id and name, sample(list of 6 sample_ids) as values.
You can now write to output file just by iterating through the keys and values.
f = open("output.txt","w+")
for key in dictionary.keys():
samples = ",".join(dictionary[key]['sample'])
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