How To Use Arrays To Access Matrix Elements?
Solution 1:
The more-efficient way of generating your output has already been covered by sacul. However, you're incorrectly indexing your 2D matrix in the case where you want to use an array.
At least to me, it's a bit unintuitive, but you need to use:
myMatrix[[all_row_indices], [all_column_indices]]
The following will give you what you expect:
import numpy as np
myMatrix = np.array([[3.2,2,float('NaN'),3],[3,1,2,float('NaN')],[3,3,3,3]])
nanPositions = np.argwhere(np.isnan(myMatrix))
maxVal = np.nanmax(abs(myMatrix))
print(myMatrix[nanPositions[:, 0], nanPositions[:, 1]])
You can see more about advanced indexing in the documentation
Solution 2:
In [54]: arr = np.array([[3.2,2,float('NaN'),3],[3,1,2,float('NaN')],[3,3,3,3]])
In [55]: arr
array([[3.2, 2. , nan, 3. ],
[3. , 1. , 2. , nan],
[3. , 3. , 3. , 3. ]])
Location of the nan
In [56]: np.where(np.isnan(arr))
Out[56]: (array([0, 1]), array([2, 3]))
In [57]: np.argwhere(np.isnan(arr))
array([[0, 2],
[1, 3]])
produces a tuple of arrays; argwhere
the same values but as a 2d array
In [58]: arr[Out[56]]
Out[58]: array([nan, nan])
In [59]: arr[Out[56]] = [100,200]
In [60]: arr
array([[ 3.2, 2. , 100. , 3. ],
[ 3. , 1. , 2. , 200. ],
[ 3. , 3. , 3. , 3. ]])
The argwhere
can be used to index individual items:
In [72]: for ij in Out[57]:
...: print(arr[tuple(ij)])
The tuple()
is needed here because np.array([1,3])
in interpreted as 2 element indexing on the first dimension.
Another way to get that indexing tuple is to use unpacking
In[74]: [arr[i,j]fori,jinOut[57]]
Out[74]: [100.0, 200.0]
So while argparse
looks useful, it is trickier to use than plain where
You could, as noted in the other answers, use boolean indexing (I've already modified arr
so the isnan
test no longer works):
In[75]: arr[arr>10]Out[75]: array([100., 200.])
More on indexing with a list or array, and indexing with a tuple:
In [77]: arr[[0,0]] # two copies of row 0
array([[ 3.2, 2. , 100. , 3. ],
[ 3.2, 2. , 100. , 3. ]])
In [78]: arr[(0,0)] # one element
Out[78]: 3.2
In [79]: arr[np.array([0,0])] # same as list
array([[ 3.2, 2. , 100. , 3. ],
[ 3.2, 2. , 100. , 3. ]])
In [80]: arr[np.array([0,0]),:] # making the trailing : explicit
array([[ 3.2, 2. , 100. , 3. ],
[ 3.2, 2. , 100. , 3. ]])
Solution 3:
You can do this instead (IIUC):
myMatrix[np.isnan(myMatrix)] = np.nanmax(abs(myMatrix))
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