Ipython Magic Print Variables On Assignment
Is there a parameter in IPython to print the variables each time I assign them ? Currently: In [1]: a = 5 In [2]: a Out[2]: 5 In [3]: b = a + 1 In [4]: b Out[4]: 6 In matlab, t
Solution 1:
As of IPython 6.2, this exists, but the command to turn it on is really long:
%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign'
You can set it in your ipython_config.py
, if you want it to be on by default:
c = get_config()
c.InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = 'last_expr_or_assign'
It only triggers when the assignment target is a simple name; assignments like arr[i] = val
or obj.attr = 3
will not auto-print.
Solution 2:
Try the following for older versions of IPython…
from IPython.core.inputtransformer import InputTransformer
import re
self.assignment = re.compile('^([a-z]+) =')
self.most_recent_line = Nonedefpush(self, line):
self.most_recent_line = line
return line
ifnot self.most_recent_line: return
match = self.assignment.match(self.most_recent_line)
self.most_recent_line = Noneif match: return match.group(1)
And then register this input handler with
ip = get_ipython()
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