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Sending A Signal From Main Function To A Thread?

I am using Pyqt4 to make GUI in python. I want to send a signal from the main GUI to a thread in order to make a function. I know how to send a signal from thread to the main GUI b

Solution 1:

The proper way is to create object which will be moved to thread. You don't need to subclass QtCore.QThread!

More or less something like that (disclaimer: I'm more C++ than Python):

myThread = QtCore.QThread()
testObject = YourClassWithSlots() # NO PARENT HERE

From that point all connected slots of testObject (with default connection type) will be run in thread myThread.

Useful links:

More details to please @Ezee

classYourClassWithSlots(QtCore.QObject) :
    @Slot(int)defhavyTaskMethod(self, value) :
         # long runing havy task

self.myThread = QtCore.QThread(self)
self.testObject = YourClassWithSlots() # NO PARENT HERE
self.testObject.moveToThread(myThread) # this makes slots to be run in specified thread
self.connect(Qt.SIGNAL("Signal(int)"), self.testObject.havyTaskMethod)

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