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Conda Install -c Bioconda Simlord | Unsatisfiederror

Following this tutorial and two installation steps, I want to run SimLoRD. On Ubuntu 18.04, using a Python 3.9 venv: conda install -c bioconda simlord UnsatisfiedError I have tri

Solution 1:

I'm not sure if this will entirely work for your setup as I don't know what your full analysis workflow is and what other dependencies you have, but you can install simlord via pip:

(py39) dbell30@dbell30-VirtualBox:~$ pip install simlord==1.0.4

If it is successful, check the output of pip list

Solution 2:

Try creating a new environment. Something like

conda create -n simlord -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c defaults simlord

Note the three channels here is the recommended channel priority for Bioconda-based installations.

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