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Parse An Entire Json Object Looking For A Key In Python

I am trying to find if a certain key is in a json object. I create the json with googleRequest = json.loads(googleRequest.content) # its a google api call The json is not always

Solution 1:

You can use a nested function with looping over your dictionary items and check the type of values each time , if the type was list or dict you call the function again else you append the key to list of your total keys :

def find_key(dic):
 if isinstance(dic,dict): 
  for key,value in dic.items():
     if isinstance(value,dict):
     elif isinstance(value,list):
  return keys

result :

['totalItems', 'items', ['kind', 'etag', 'volumeInfo', ['publisher', 'publishedDate', 'authors', None, 'description', 'title'], 'id', 'selfLink'], 'kind']

Solution 2:

Build a function that iterates over the JSON object, recursively:

  • If the key is in the current level, return its value.
  • If not, run the function for all inner dictionaries.

Solution 3:


Try using re is other things dont work.See demo.

import re
p = re.compile(ur'"title":\s*"([^"]+)"')
test_str = u"{\n \"kind\": \"books#volumes\",\n\"totalItems\": 1,\n\"items\": [\n {\n\"kind\": \"books#volume\",\n\"id\": \"HDvHjwEACAAJ\",\n\"etag\": \"+2K7d2N2VNg\",\n\"selfLink\": \"\",\n\"volumeInfo\": {\n\"title\": \"Fahrenheit 451\",\n\"authors\": [\n\"Ray Bradbury\"\n ],\n\"publisher\": \"Voyager\",\n\"publishedDate\": \"2013\",\n\"description\": \"The terrifyingly prophetic novel of a post-literate future Guy Montag is a fireman. His job is to destroy the most illegal of commodities, the source of all discord and unhappiness, the printed book.\",\n\n\n\n\n\n <div style=\"padding-left:2em;\">\n &bull; Location: \n\n Northern Virginia, ☎ 202-210-5936\n\n </div>\n\n\n\n\n <div style=\"padding-left:2em;\"><br />&bull; Post ID: 1234567 washingtondc</div>\n\n\n <div id=\"OtherAdsByThisUser\" data-oid=\"7654321\">"

re.findall(p, test_str)

Solution 4:

for python 3

# python 3 onlydeffind_values_from_key(key, json_object):
    ifisinstance(json_object, list):
        for list_element in json_object:
            yieldfrom find_values_from_key(key, list_element)
    elifisinstance(json_object, dict):
        if key in json_object:
            yield json_object[key]
        for dict_value in json_object.values():
            yieldfrom find_values_from_key(key, dict_value)

for python 2

# python 2 onlydeffind_values_from_key(key, json_object):
    ifisinstance(json_object, list):
        for list_element in json_object:
            for res in find_values_from_key(key, list_element):
                yield res
    elifisinstance(json_object, dict):
        if key in json_object:
            yield json_object[key]
        for dict_value in json_object.values():
            for res in find_values_from_key(key, dict_value):
                yield res

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