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Issue In Invoking "onclick" Event Using Pyqt & Javascript

I am trying to scrape data from a website using beautiful soup. By default, this webpage shows 18 items and after clicking on a javascript button 'showAlldevices' all 41 items are

Solution 1:

I think there is a problem with your JavaScript code. Since you're creating a MouseEvent object you should use an initMouseEvent method for initialization. You can find an example here.


But I think the simplest think you can try is to use the JavaScript DOM method onclick of the a element instead of using your own JavaScript code. Something like this:


should work. I suppose you will have to reload the page after clicking, before passing it to the parser.


You can reload the page via r.action(QWebPage.ReloadAndBypassCache) or r.action(QWebpage.Reload) but it doesn't seem to have any effect. I've tried to display the page with QWebView, click the link and see what happens. Unfortunately I'm getting lots of Segmentation Fault errors so I would swear there is a bug somewhere in PyQt4/Qt4. As the page being scrapped uses jquery I've also tried to display it after loading jquery in the QWebPage but again no luck (the segfaults do not disappear). I'm giving up :( I hope other users here at SO will help you. Anyway I recommend you to ask for help to the PyQt4 mailing list. They provide excellent support to PyQt users.


The error you get when changing your code is expected: remember that allButton is a QWebElement object. And the QWebElement.evaluateJavaScript method returns a QVariant object (as stated in the docs) and that kind of objects don't have a webFrame attribute as you can check reviewing this page.

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